Just a few reviews of the Ebola Survival Guide:

Five Star Review Not just hype
By Dan T. on March 13,
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At first I thought this was just going to be a bunch of hype and other nonsense but it is actually a very detailed book that has many chapters about ebola virus. The author goes into the history of ebola , how to spot infected people how to make sure you don’t catch it, but the best part is the chapter on taking care of sick. this will be good to know in case me or someone in my family gets sick especially my kids because of how hard it is to beat.

Five Star Review Recommend
By jannell on June 19, 2023
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I actually bought over 20 copies of this guide so everyone in my closest family has one. I know that some of them think I’m being overly cautious but after having a serious case of covid that sent me to the hospital for a week back in 2022 I vowed to never let anything like that happen again and being prepared is the best way to stop it from happening.

I definitely recommend this guide to everyone. The writer makes a great case for why Ebola could be the next major pandemic and I’ll tell you right now that it is scary. It’s very scary to think and I hope that it doesn’t happen but it’s better to be safe than sorry as the saying goes.

Five Star Review Easy to read
By stargazer67 on October 28, 2014
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This is a great resource with very easy to read but detailed instructions for dealing with the ebola disease. I read it front to back as soon as I got it. Five stars

Five Star Review Two Thumbs Up From a Nurse
By Kathy Triplett on May 30, 2024
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Being a nurse myself, I am always buying books on illnesses and diseases and since the Covid pandemic I am now buying even more. One that has always intrigued me is Ebola. I have actually read a few different books about the Ebola virus in the last few years. The last one I read was published in the 1990s and went over the discovery and history of it. The other books were very similar and while the information in them is also good, they don’t really go into detail when discussing how to survive an Ebola infection.

This book is different, it is not just a book about the origins of the virus or just the basic facts, but a set of instructions dealing with how to avoid and treat the virus based on the current available information. Ebola is a very dangerous virus unlike anything we have seen in the past four or five decades. Its level of danger is much higher than that of Covid because it kills so many who become infected. The symptoms of Ebola are also much more severe. Although I found some of the details concerning actual patient care a bit lacking (mostly because I’m a very nitpicky nurse), overall this is an excellent resource. I would actually go so far as to say this is required reading if you’re serious about being prepared for an Ebola pandemic. This information would also serve you well if something other than Ebola comes along in the future.

Five Star Review very informative book
By Shawn on August 1, 2020
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A lot of good info about ebola and how to fight it.

Just a few reviews of the Ebola Survival Guide:

Five Star Review Worth Having
By Charles Ingram on October 20, 2014
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Like many of the others here I found this book because of all the Ebola outbreaks going on right now. I’m not sure of the exact background of the author but either way this book is very well written and worth reading right now during these outbreaks. I feel like I have all the knowledge I need in case something happens and more cases start popping up in the US.

Five Star Review Essential Info
By RoadWarrior82 on September 30, 2015
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This book is well written and organized. I especially like how the author doesn’t waste time and immediately dives right into the essential information everyone should know about the Ebola virus and disease. I also like how he calls out the so-called “experts” by clearly showing the WHO and CDC releasing conflicting information to the public! When I saw that I couldn’t believe it, especially since this is a very serious and deadly disease with a high mortality rate. I will obviously have this book on standby if an Ebola pandemic breaks out, and I would encourage others to have a copy as well. Ebola is a very serious disease and you need to be prepared instead of relying on the government. I also like how the author shows plenty of examples of how governments have failed over and over during past pandemics to contain deadly diseases. Those parts of the book were a real eye opener…

Five Star Review What I was looking for
By June S. on June 23, 2021
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All of the info in this book is good and useful, there is no filler. The pictures and diagrams are also very useful and in color so they are easy to see everything.

Five Star Review Good info
By connieg673 on October 10, 2014
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I learned a lot from reading this. The scariest part that really made me stop and think is when the book talks about how animals can become infected. That’s where scientists think the virus comes from. It made me really scared for my dog since other dogs have alreayd been put down because of ebola. But this book is good because it shows you what to do if more ebola cases reach america.

Five Star Review Very powerful
By Derrick p on May 14, 2018
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When I first started this book I thought “Oh no, here we go…” because it starts off like one of those horror or thriller movies about a worldwide disaster. But a few pages in I realized something. What if a worldwide Ebola outbreak DID happen? It would actually probably be just what the author is describing. Because unlike those movies, Ebola is a very real thing and it’s a very real threat. If you’re thinking about getting this book but you don’t believe me then go right now and look up photos or videos of people with Ebola and see with your own eyes.

The reason the author is being so serious in this book is because this is such a serious disease. Think about this: If you get Ebola there is a 50% chance you will die. And that’s in THIS modern time right now. Even with all of our modern medicine in 2018 there is still no cure or vaccine for Ebola. I’ve never heard of another virus this serious with that kind of death rate.

As far as the actual info about Ebola, the author does a great job describing all of the details about how it would ravage our infrastructure and hospitals. I double checked his information and he is absolutely right. Even now, 4 years after the massive outbreaks back in 2014 we are simply not prepared for a major Ebola outbreak. We simply don’t have the needed hospitals or the staff to run them.

He then goes into detail about the actual disease and how to spot someone with an infection. Some of the early symptoms of Ebola are very common so it can be difficult to spot, but as the disease progresses it will eventually become much, much worse. Ebola will most likely kill you if you don’t know how to treat it. The people who have survived only did so because they received the right medicines and proper treatment from healthcare workers and doctors. That’s where the main part of this book comes in, which is every step on how to treat yourself but also how to treat someone else with Ebola if you ever had to.

This is actually a great resource and you better hope you have a copy if an Ebola outbreak ever occurs because I believe the author is right, if that happens there will be pandemonium like we’ve never seen.

Just a few reviews of the Ebola Survival Guide:

Five Star Review Great book
By Brandon B. on June 10, 2023
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I got this book after a me and a coworker were talking about covid. We both had it the other week but what was funny is that neither of us had any symptoms at all. We both had very mild sore throats for like a day and that was it. We were talking about how both of us are unvaccinated and how my coworker had already had covid like 3 times and nothing ever happened to her the other times either. Anyway she told me about ebola asked if Id ever heard of it. I had never heard about this disease until she mentioned it and somehow I found this book. If you don’t know anything about ebola it is a very serious illness and a lot of people who get it actually die unlike covid. I know people died from covid but not like with ebola, it is on a whole other level. It is very serious and there is a lot more that goes into not only not getting sick but treating the illness. This book goes all into avoiding the illness but also how to treat yourself or someone else who gets it. There’s even a chapter about dealing with someone who dies from the illness. It’s pretty morbid subject matter but definitely somthing to think about especially in this day and time when so much information is suppressed and misinformation is allowed to be spread without consequence. We all saw what happened during the covid outbreak and like this book says, an ebola outbreak would be a million times worse. I don’t even like to think about it because I have small kids, but in my opinion it is better to at least do a little prep now just in case.

Five Star Review Better to prepare now
By carebeargirl on October 29, 2021
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I bought this after hearing about some recent outbreaks. With the world we now live in, especially after COVID19, I want to be better prepared if something like that ever happens again. This book does a great job discussing all of the other pandemics throughout history and it’s amazing once you realize how many times our government has failed to keep us safe. I agree with the writer of this book that if a more serious outbreak occurs like it would be with EBOLA that it is up to us citizens to be prepared because we most likely won’t be able to rely on our public services.

Five Star Review Good Source Of Info
By Clark Kent on November 20, 2020
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Very informative. Highly recommended.

Five Star Review I like the content but it should have more pictures
By scotty on November 2, 2014
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I’ll be honest I’m not really a reader. I will get books like this on subjects that I think are important, but I don’t read novels or anything. I got this after seeing some news videos showing ebola patients and it was awful so I wanted more info than what I was getting from the media. The content of this book is good but it’s just page after page of paragraphs. It’s almost like information overload. I think it would have been much better and more memorable if there were at least a few pictures here and there in each chapter.

Five Star Review Not just for Ebola
By Brenda C. on January 16, 2016
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This book is good for ebola but also all sorts of serious issues and times of unease when dealing with a deadly disease. Worth every penny.

Just a few reviews of the Ebola Survival Guide:

Five Star Review Good
By user28573 on April 19, 2024
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Book is well organized and the information seems to be reliable.

Five Star Review Good book
By Kim K. on October 30, 2014
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The author does a good job explaining what ebola is, where it comes from, and how we as humans can prevent it from infecting us. This book is well-written but also not bland or boring.

Five Star Review Ebola pandemic??
By kylestyles on November 6, 2019
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I mean, this book has good info… I guess?? But seriously, is anything like an ebola pandemic going to happen. I doubt it

Five Star Review If you think Covid was bad
By Joshua R on July 19, 2022
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If you think Covid was bad you better hope there is never an ebola pandemic because its downright scary! All I can say is I’m glad I bought this for future reference

Five Star Review Everyone should read this
By Darla on December 9, 2023
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As we saw during the COVID pandemic, many people don’t even know the basics of what viruses are, how they work, and how they affect humans. If more people had even a little of this basic knowledge we would all be better off, especially with a much more dangerous virus like Ebola. Coronavirus can make you sick but Ebola will most likely kill you if it gets into your system. If the scenarios the author discusses in this book turn out to be true, and they certainly could in the near future, having this book could be a lifesaver which is why I bought it.

Just a few reviews of the Ebola Survival Guide:

Five Star Review pretty good read
By namelessfaceless92 on September 21,
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My brother got this for me as a gift a few years back. To be honest it was really supposed to be like a gag gift and I had zero interest in this weird “ebola” illness. Around a month ago I got covid and became pretty ill. That’s really when I remembered that I had this ebola guide and thought let me see what that is all about. The only other time I’d ever thought about it was years ago when it was in the news. So I just read this for the first time and I figured I would leave a review because honestly its a pretty good read. There’s a lot of very detailed subjects and I honestly learned a lot from it. So you wanna know about ebola and what it can do which is pretty horrible stuff then check out this guide.

Five Star Review Ebola is freaking SCARY
By Amanda O. on November 11, 2017
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The way the author described some of the outcomes of past Ebola outbreaks and what a massive outbreak would like like gave me shivers. What a horrible disease. This book scared me but in a good way. Now I feel I am ready if Ebola ever starts to become a serious threat to our world.

Five Star Review Don’t just rely on the “news”..
By Guy Smith on January 13, 2015
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I have been researching ebola since I first heard about it last year. I live in Texas and some of the people who have been infected were in Texas which is pretty scary. The main reason I ordered this guide is because the information online and on the news is all over the place and after reading this I see why. The book even discusses some of this and how different places are reporting different information. I like having a clear concise guide with all of the information clearly layed out and detailed, which this book does a good job with. You really should learn about all of this and I do recommend this guide. I didn’t give 5 stars because I think some of the information could have been sourced better, but overall this is still an excellent guide.

Five Star Review Five Stars
By robbieandro on May 3,
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Good book, solid info, five stars

Five Star Review Just the facts
By Katrina G. on May 22, 2022
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This book has great information and is written well. But the thing I liked most is that the author stayed away from political stuff. After dealing with all of the political rubbish with covid it was a nice break to just stick to the facts of the disease without all of the “left vs right” crap.

Just a few reviews of the Ebola Survival Guide:

Five Star Review Detailed
By Dirk T. on December 2,
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Very helpful information

Five Star Review Not what i expected
By Craig k. on March 23,
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This book didn’t have to be so dark. Sometimes it’s downright depressing. I guess that’s the style the author chose. Don’t get me wrong, there is still a lot of useful information but I think the author should have avoided all of the gory details.

Five Star Review A lot of info for the price
By Marcy on March 29, 2017
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this book has some really good information if you are just starting to learn about virus outbreaks and how to prep for a serious outbreak. If something like ebola did break out there will definitely be a lot of unrest probably like we’ve never seen in our lifetime to this point .

Five Star Review Really good info.
By Brent P on April 15,
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Really good info about ebola. I’m glad I have this as a reference if needed.

Five Star Review Better book.
By Big Chris on December 2, 2014
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I ordered another ebola book on amazon and it was like 50 pages. It still had decent info but was more like an intro type of book where as this one goes really deep into the virus and how to fight it. The one good thing about ebola is that it is a virus so it can be killed which is good for us. This book shows all of the ways the professionals have been using to stop outbreaks but the problem is they have never been able to eliminate ebola. That’s why a book like this is a must have and must read for any future outbreaks that might be in a larger city and spread more easily.

Just a few reviews of the Ebola Survival Guide:

Five Star Review Excellent Book
By Ralph on November 27, 2014
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I do a lot of traveling for my job so obviously I’ve been keeping up with this new thing called ebola. I read this guide on my last plane ride and I really appreciated all of the factual information supplied by the author. I was shocked to learn that ebola has been around since the 1970s and there still isn’t any kind of vaccine or cure, especially with how deadly it is. The way it has been spreading this year is staggering and really makes me not want to travel. But I have no choice so at least I now have a solid guide that I can use if things really get bad.

Five Star Review As described.
By steven k. on April 17,
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There is a lot of research in this book and I like all of the details.

Five Star Review Not boring!
By name on May 9,
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To me, reading these kinds of books can often have me looking at my phone within 5 minutes, but not with this one. This book, while frightening and very dark at times, is written very well and kept me engaged while also teaching a lot of facts and data about the Ebola disease. I also really like the section where the author included a lot of commentary from people who have survived the disease so you get firsthand accounts of what they went through and how they feel now that they beat the virus. Super scary stuff!

Five Star Review Disturbing…
By Spinkick on March 6,
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This book is very interesting but I hope I never have to use it….

Five Star Review The best book I found
By Matt D'adamo on November 1, 2014
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My wife and I have been hearing about this ebola virus for the past few weeks so we decided to order some books. I bought 5 books including this one and it is by far the best out of the bunch. You can tell that the other books were just thrown together to capitalize on this current news going around on tv and online. There was one that was not like that, but it is a much older book and still doesn’t have near the amount of info this book has.

This is a very detailed book about how to actually avoid getting ebola and how to actually treat someone (or yourself) if you ever had to do that. The chapter about how few hospitals there are (only 4, yes 4 total hospitals in the U.S.) that actually have ebola treatment centers was pretty insane. This book also has a lengthy timeline that goes through each phase of the current outbreaks and how quickly everything got out of hand. It’s safe to say that any government is the last thing you should be relying on in situations like this.

Overall I do recommend this book if you are looking for good, detailed information about the virus and how you can protect yourself from it.

How Much Do You Know About Ebola?

Do you really think that you, your family, & your friends are safe from Ebola...?

"They were three months behind from the start in fighting this..."

Dr. Amesh Adalja
Infectious Disease Physician
University of Pittsburgh

Ebola Survival Guide - What you must know to protect yourself and protect your family from Ebola
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